5/14/10 Another year has come and gone: As the semester comes to a close, we congratulate our six new brothers in the bond. The Beta Delta pledge class has exceeded all expectations. With these new additions, the future of Iota Pi looks brighter than ever. Our continued growth reflects all of the hard work that the brothers have put in. Thank you men for another great semester.
12/06/2009 Congratulations to the new members of Iota-Pi: Congratulations to the 15 new members of Iota-Pi! The newest members of Iota-Pi TKE have been initiated this past weekend, we are excited to see their growth as men.
Iota-Pi has ranked 26 in the nation for recruitment this semester and we are hoping to remain consistent on our success, with rush and philanthropy being our focal points. We have raised around $700 for the Ronald and Nancy Reagan Alzheimers Association due to our efforts for our first annual TeKE week philanthropy.
This semester has proven to challenge the members of Tau Kappa Epsilon. The challenges we have faced allowed our chapter to grow and show everyone that Iota-Pi TKE is an organization that is dedicated to the well being of the Kent and Greek community as well as each individual member of TKE.
10/20/2009 Homecoming and Teke Week: Homecoming was great! We would like to thank all of the alumni for coming out, we are looking forward to seeing all of you shortly! Pledge classes have started, Big Brother night is tomorrow, Wednesday October 21.
The plans for Teke Week are under way, this is our first annual philanthropy, sororities will compete throughout the week of November 16-21 to see who can raise the most money for the Ronald and Nacy Reagan Alzheimer's Asssociation! We will be ending the week with an all Greek flag football tournament on the commons behind Taylor Hall from 9:00am-1:00pm on November 21. The cost per team is $35. Donations are welcomed! Please contact Dave Woods at Dwoods8@kent.edu
10/08/2009 New Website: New Website is under construction! Everything should be up and running soon! On another note, TKE placed first in Penny Wars for Homecoming 2009! Homecoming is this weekend, October 9-11, we are looking forward to seeing all of the alumni.